To Combat Widespread Job Loss, Stay Local & Look to Import Replacement Amid the grim reality of COVID-19, one of the rare feel-good storylines has been a local business that changes its… Continue reading “To Combat Widespread Job Loss, Stay Local & Look to Import Replacement”…
Local Currency: The BerkShare grows strong Back in the 1990s, a couple of farmers and a deli owner in Western Massachusetts were denied loans, despite their… Continue reading “Local Currency: The BerkShare grows strong”…
Scrooge the holiday shopping season Why support holidays created by a credit card company and an online shopping giant? Scrooge the holiday bloodsuckers. Here’s how… Continue reading “Scrooge the holiday shopping season”…
7 Good Things That Happen Every Time You Decide to Buy Local Live longer, live healthier, and live more peacefully. My latest at AlterNet. Continue reading “7 Good Things That Happen Every Time You Decide to Buy Local”…